

<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName test00.domain.com
        DocumentRoot /home/test00/public_html

        <Directory /home/test00/public_html>
                Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride None
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all

                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "Please enter username and password"
                AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd
                Require user test00 admin


        ErrorLog /home/test00/log/error.log
        LogLevel warn
        CustomLog /home/test00/log/access.log combined


<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName test01.domain.com
        DocumentRoot /home/test01/public_html

        <Directory /home/test01/public_html>
                Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride None
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all

                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "Please enter username and password"
                AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd
                Require user test01 admin


        ErrorLog /home/test01/log/error.log
        LogLevel warn
        CustomLog /home/test01/log/access.log combined


<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName test02.domain.com
        DocumentRoot /home/test02/public_html

        <Directory /home/test02/public_html>
                Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride None
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all

                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "Please enter username and password"
                AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd
                Require user test02 admin


        ErrorLog /home/test02/log/error.log
        LogLevel warn
        CustomLog /home/test02/log/access.log combined


<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName test03.domain.com
        DocumentRoot /home/test03/public_html

        <Directory /home/test03/public_html>
                Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride None
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all

                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "Please enter username and password"
                AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd
                Require user test03 admin


        ErrorLog /home/test03/log/error.log
        LogLevel warn
        CustomLog /home/test03/log/access.log combined


<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName test04.domain.com
        DocumentRoot /home/test04/public_html

        <Directory /home/test04/public_html>
                Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride None
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all

                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "Please enter username and password"
                AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd
                Require user test04 admin


        ErrorLog /home/test04/log/error.log
        LogLevel warn
        CustomLog /home/test04/log/access.log combined


<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName test05.domain.com
        DocumentRoot /home/test05/public_html

        <Directory /home/test05/public_html>
                Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride None
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all

                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "Please enter username and password"
                AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd
                Require user test05 admin


        ErrorLog /home/test05/log/error.log
        LogLevel warn
        CustomLog /home/test05/log/access.log combined


<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName test06.domain.com
        DocumentRoot /home/test06/public_html

        <Directory /home/test06/public_html>
                Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride None
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all

                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "Please enter username and password"
                AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd
                Require user test06 admin


        ErrorLog /home/test06/log/error.log
        LogLevel warn
        CustomLog /home/test06/log/access.log combined


<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName test07.domain.com
        DocumentRoot /home/test07/public_html

        <Directory /home/test07/public_html>
                Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride None
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all

                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "Please enter username and password"
                AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd
                Require user test07 admin


        ErrorLog /home/test07/log/error.log
        LogLevel warn
        CustomLog /home/test07/log/access.log combined


<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName test08.domain.com
        DocumentRoot /home/test08/public_html

        <Directory /home/test08/public_html>
                Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride None
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all

                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "Please enter username and password"
                AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd
                Require user test08 admin


        ErrorLog /home/test08/log/error.log
        LogLevel warn
        CustomLog /home/test08/log/access.log combined


<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName test09.domain.com
        DocumentRoot /home/test09/public_html

        <Directory /home/test09/public_html>
                Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride None
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all

                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "Please enter username and password"
                AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd
                Require user test09 admin


        ErrorLog /home/test09/log/error.log
        LogLevel warn
        CustomLog /home/test09/log/access.log combined


<VirtualHost *:80>
        ServerName test10.domain.com
        DocumentRoot /home/test10/public_html

        <Directory /home/test10/public_html>
                Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                AllowOverride None
                Order allow,deny
                allow from all

                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "Please enter username and password"
                AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd
                Require user test10 admin


        ErrorLog /home/test10/log/error.log
        LogLevel warn
        CustomLog /home/test10/log/access.log combined
